Number Fifty-Four…
…The bike with a bamboo core!
What does it take for innovation to be possible? Simply, just the intention. You need to want it badly enough to make it possible.
I happened to see this online a long time ago. I am still in awe of it though. People in Ghana find themselves in unfavourable temperatures, with long distances to go, but with limited connectivity. But rather than endure, with some external help, they designed bicycles built with a bamboo frame. They could easily source the other parts, which were standard to regular bikes. This innovation however, helped build a bike at a fraction of the cost of the ones normally available.
And I’ve found that regular bikes these days, corrode easily, and require considerable maintenance. These bamboo bikes however, seem to be easier to maintain. They can also be built for different sizes and for different applications (carrier, etc.). A green, economical idea that addresses so many needs. In times of compulsive and impulsive purchases all over the world, this is just the kind of impressive and refreshing innovation the world needs.
Don’t miss the video at the end.
A standard bike: source
A bike with a carrier and a carrier support frame: source
Image: source
You can read more about it here: link