A recent ‘RattL ’em‘ idea was for Note or Planner apps like Evernote, Google Keep and others.
Such apps could include a ‘Review Mode’ for existing entries.
In this mode, users could be given a few function options such as Highlight, Bolden, Italicize, Strike-through, etc. on the toolbar.
That way, the user can use review functions on an existing note or entry, without the keypad constantly getting in their way.
This idea was part of our RattL ’em initiative.
What is RattL ’em?: We are constantly fascinated by companies, products and services.So whenever a company catches our curiosity, we offer them an idea (a new product, service, or feature/ improvement idea), or highlight a concern area. Someday, we hope we can send an idea out into the world everyday.We do this for free, and for fun. And the company receiving the idea is free to use it, with no financial or other obligation toward us. It is our way of trying to be the best in the field of people innovation.